Sunday, March 23, 2008


I’m a guy…

In a country where backstabbing and backbiting has become the norm; the passport required to fit in with the majority of a population that watches your suffering with the eagerness of a child watching cartoons. Where diversity is unwelcome and creativity is falsely encouraged by methodically breaking down your aspirations. Where your mind is caged in a cell in your head, and any escape is welcomed with hissing and spitting. Where you’re asked to stay positive while simultaneously standing knee deep in the sewage of this country’s negativity and hypocrisy. Where patriotism means nothing and whining seems to be the only habit more widespread than smoking. Where inspirations and efforts to change things to the better are crapped upon and thrown back into your face. Where the leaders of tomorrow are womanizing alcoholic hash-smoking momma’s boys who only get anywhere based on how much daddy’s willing to dish out. Where thinkers are ridiculed and called outcasts, while the thieves of their ideas are labelled genuiuses and revolutionaries. Where good morning means nothing, because no one really cares.

I’m a realist who dreams and believes in a better tomorrow. I’m a pissed off cynic who would rather slap you and tell you to make a difference than listen to who you slept with last night. I’m a naive life-lover with a gun to my head and a knife to your throat.

I’m a guy...and these are my blogs.

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